Friday, April 6, 2012

10 - Week - Progress

Last week I had a bit of a setback, as I lost a bit of work due to a file corruption. Oops. Thank goodness for back-ups.

The first and most complex scenario is the assessment test. Initially I had gone along with a linear style indicated by the "timeline" of arrows along the bottom. After a group crit though, it was brought to my attention that the arrows look like buttons. They are not. You can see the new timeline version of the buttons below, the third screenshot.

Some of the changes based off the feedback I have gotten are not added into the scenarios yet. I decided that I wanted to wait until every page of the scenario is built, because it is much easier to drop in these changes at that point.

Working on the second and third scenarios goes a lot faster than the first, partly because there are several repeated pages. I love the action of just being able to duplicate a page and slide it in where ever it needs to go.

These scenarios are also different from the first in the way that they do not have a linear navigation, and where the "timeline" was before, there are now a selection of buttons which lead to different areas of the application. Making these buttons was fun!They indicate the "inner circle," "community," "activities," "progress" and "profile" pages.

Too much color-coding? Maybe. I'll continue to design these pages and self-assess more critically. I'm finding that it is difficult to make this app look adult enough.
Like the little lightbulb character. I had him in some iterations. He's cute for kids, but again, this is an app for adults with children. Not for the children. Crap.

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